Monday, June 29, 2009

...of a fat girl (on losing weight).

I'm starting to get a little discouraged. I realize that skinny girls have a tough time losing weight, but I'm a big girl. Shouldn't it just, like, fall off of me? Like that Ruby lady who started out at 487 and lost a hundred already? Why can't that be me? I hired a personal trainer, I'm making drastic eating changes, I'm reading all of the literature about being healthy, and I'm exercising like a banchee and my fat won't budge! I know that several years of unhealthy habits got me in this situation and the fat's not going to just melt away. But I thought maybe a pound or two would.

Since the last time I wrote, I had a few tortilla chips and some salsa for a snack. Then I had some broccoli and rice for supper with a handful of white cheddar crackers. Okay, not the staple for perfect eating, but I'm poor today, so it's all I can afford. I'm pretty sure the broccoli-rice combo was a year out of date...

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